A lighthouse of competence in a sea of mediocrity
I posted something yesterday that's been bugging me. It's a post called "The Merits of Mediocrity", and it more or less covered the points you'd expect (80/20 rule, your time is limited, etc). The reason I posted it was because I was worried people would judge me when I made mediocre posts.
This is pretty cringe. Not only was the post unoriginal, but it wasn't even something I endorse. The last thing that this world needs is more mediocrity. People truly trying is exceptionally rare.
I want you to ask yourself, how many times in your life have you really tried your hardest at something. Not "stayed up all night to finish something". Not "got up at 4am for a while". No. I'm talking about movie shit. I'm talking about 100 hours/week. I'm talking about tried so hard that you felt like you'd die if you failed. Extra points if it was self-directed.
Given the people I know are reading this blog, I wouldn't be that surprised if a some of you said more than once. But for me, I think I only have a one situation that even comes close to this standard.
But this standard is the only one that actually matters. The things you'd die for are the things you live for. Trying, not to enter the top 3.956%, or even 0.01%, but the literal peak of human achievement, with no one above you, is almost beyond cool. Not only for your own ego. But for the good of the human race.
I'm realizing more and more that there are not that many things I truly value. This is not a bad thing. It gives me focus.